
Reliability: 85%
Danger Level: 10%
Views: 46

The earwig, or as it is less commonly known, the 'Insectus Scissorhandsius', is a charming little creature with a profound misunderstanding of personal space and a set of pincers that look as though they could have been designed by a committee with an overzealous love for medieval weaponry. Despite their rather intimidating rear appendages, earwigs are about as harmful to humans as a bowl of petunias plummeting towards a planet, which is to say, not very, unless you happen to be the planet.

Travel Advice

If you're planning on hitchhiking across the cosmos, it's always a good idea to check your towel for stowaway earwigs. They're notorious for enjoying the warmth of a good quality cotton weave.

Where to Find

Earwigs can be found throughout the galaxy, from the damp basements of Earth to the steamy jungles of Vogsphere, and occasionally in the more neglected areas of the Guide's own offices.

What to Avoid

Avoid leaving sugary snacks in your pockets. While earwigs prefer a diet of decomposing plant material, they have been known to develop quite the sweet tooth when given the opportunity.

Fun Fact

In a remarkable display of cosmic irony, earwigs are neither ear-dwellers nor do they wiggle. Their name is believed to have originated from an ancient human game of 'Telephone' in which the original term, 'earth-wriggler', was grossly misheard.

A word from our sponsors

This entry was brought to you by 'Pincers & Loom', the galaxy's leading provider of earwig-inspired jewelry. Add a touch of entomological elegance to your ensemble!