Hands, or as the Flopfluvian Blobberbeasts of Vortis Minor call them, 'Squiddly Diddly Dappers', are a bizarre evolutionary experiment in giving creatures prehensile multi-fingered appendages at the ends of their limbs. Mainly found attached to the ends of human arms, hands are incredibly useful for activities like waving awkwardly at someone who isn't actually waving at you, or for crafting a mean cheese sandwich. They come in pairs, supposedly to allow for multitasking, though in reality, it often leads to a human figuring out how to do twice as many foolish things at the same time.
If you plan on hitchhiking across the galaxy, hands are of utmost importance. Efficiency may vary, however, depending on the number of opposable thumbs.
Hands can generally be found at the ends of human arms unless they've been misplaced during teleportation, which happens more often than you'd think on budget starliners.
It's crucial to avoid getting your hands caught in the intricate workings of a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster mixing device. The results tend to be both messy and embarrassing.
The Finglonger, a mythical device rumored to exist on a distant planet, is said to extend the reach of a hand by up to three feet, making the fetching of remote controls a thing of elegance and leisure.
Need an extra hand? Check out Zaphod's Second-hand Hands Emporium! Now with a two-for-one offer on slightly used appendages.
4 days ago
Superheroes, the universe's answer to the ever-present question, 'Who will save us now?' often dressed in spandex, which is a textile with the uncanny ability to simultaneously shrink-wrap one's dignity along with their body. These beings of immense power, questionable fashion choices, and often-complicated backstories, grace various galaxies with their antics of morality and muscle. They are known for their unique abilities, such as flying without the benefit of an Electronic Thumb, seeing through solid objects with less radiation than a microwave burrito, and lifting objects that would make a Vogon Constructor Fleet feel a bit inadequate.
5 days ago
Potholes, the universe's way of reminding you that no matter how advanced your civilization, the roads, like life, will have its ups and downs - mostly downs, in this particular case. These surprising dips in the asphalt fabric of society are where the optimism of road engineers go to die, alongside the unsuspecting suspensions of many a star-hopping vehicle. Often thought of as portals to other dimensions by the more imaginative and less informed hitchhikers, potholes are, in fact, merely portals to your local vehicle repair shop.